The Marssal Group has been following innovative solutions since 1986, when the market was still in its infancy. An innovation that was in the air, owing to the encounter with US technologies, but that was born in Italy and developed all in our country.
In 2004, hoists and lifts became the company's leading innovations. An innovation that gives way to a real revolution. If 1986 was the year of rapprochement, 2004 can be considered the year of great development. And Marssal also transforms from a team of agents to owners of structures, supported by a team of engineers for the design from scratch of each phase of each work.
The constant search for advanced solutions has led the MARSSAL Group to undertake major investments in the development of vertical logistics for the transport of people and materials such as elevators, elevators and platforms for the construction site.
Electromechanical lifting equipment is part of a specialized sector that the Company, among the first in Italy, has developed by laying the foundations and its contribution to the evolution of construction technologies, guaranteeing:
- drastic reductions in access times at height;
- rapid and timely interventions of personnel;
- great reliability and ease of use